About The Project



Creating a virtual laboratory for online teaching

CVL4OT is a 24-months project aiming at online teaching oriented and technology driven development of a new Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering course syllabubs, thereby bringing  to the education innovative remote controlling experimental studies for high value applications, with focus on turning virtuality to the reality.

3D printer experience from distance, a new robotic printer will be utilized by online connecting from students computer, they will be able to fabricate their 3D printed biomaterial.

50 chosen Undergraduate students will have Biomaterial course in online classroom, they will experience multinational teaching and virtual 3D laboratory access from their home. Most importantly, online classroom and laboratory design will be developed to increase the desire of students to participate in online classes.

In this way, it is desired to remove the barriers  in the training of qualified scientists for scientific research. The project offers important outcomes for both students and teachers in practical education.

Project  Details

  • Start of the project: June 2021
  • End of the project: May 2023
  • Funded by the Erasmus+ Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Programme with a budget of €232,804
  • CVL4OT is a ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership Project which is made up of 5 partners from Romania, Spain, France and Türkiye.

This project has received funding from the  Erasmus+ 2020 Call Strategic Partnerships: Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness in the field of Higher Education (KA226) program (grant agreement N° 2020-1-TR01-KA226-HE-098239).

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